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Berthe Aux Grands Pieds Gloves

Berthe Aux Grands Pieds gloves provide warmth and comfort. They are made in France in the Oise region.

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20 products


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Gants en soie noir NOIRGants en soie noir NOIR
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 MARRONGants coton femme fleurs
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Gants cachemire marine MARINEGants cachemire marine MARINE
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Gants cachemire vert VERTGants cachemire vert VERT
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Gants cachemire noir NOIRGants cachemire noir NOIR
Sale price74,00€
Gants cachemire rose ROSEGants cachemire rose ROSE
Sale price74,00€
Berthe Aux Grands Pieds Gloves

THEBerthe Aux Grands Pieds glovesare made in France with high quality materials to guarantee warmth and comfort during the winter.

They go perfectly with asweateror ascarffor complete protection against the cold. Also explore our range of hats for a coordinated look.

Berthe with big feet
Fall Winter Collection

The new warm and bold collection to enjoy these winter days, bringing comfort and a spirit of conviviality!

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