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Men's mid-calf socks

Looking for elegance, comfort and durability? Try our men's mid-calf socks ! No matter what you wear, they adapt to any situation with style.

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Sale price25,50€
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Men's mid-calf socks

Why choose mid-calf socks for men?

Men's mid-calf socks guarantee optimal support without slipping or tightening. Their length is perfect to avoid unpleasant friction and ensure comfortable protection on a daily basis.

Made with quality materials, such as combed cotton, Scottish thread, silk, wool or microfiber, they offer you incomparable softness and allow your skin to breathe.

Blended with polyamide and elastane, our mid-calf socks for menperfectly fit the shape of your feetfor a perfect fit.

The heels and toes are reinforced with an additional thread (often polyamide), limiting the wear caused by friction in your shoes. In addition, the extra-fine stitching or manual re-meshing of the toe prevents any discomfort, thus providing unique comfort throughout the day.

How to wear men's mid-calf socks with style?

Men's mid-calf socks are both versatile and stylish. For a formal look, opt for solid models in classic shades, such as black, gray or navy.

Perfect with a fitted suit and city shoes, they add a little extra to your professional or dressy outfits.

If you like more original styles, opt for socks with geometric or graphic patterns that add a touch of boldness without overdoing it.

For active days or casual outings, our men's mid-calf socks pair perfectly with sneakers.

Their design in breathable materials such as microfiber allows perspiration to be wicked away while drying quickly, for exceptional comfort in all circumstances, even during prolonged exercise.

In other words, whatever the occasion, our men's mid-calf socks are the solution!

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