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Article: Made in France is a core value

Le Made in France chevillé au corps

Made in France is a core value

Almost a hundred years old, this old lady that is the Manufacture Perrin has never seemed as alert as it does today. Far from showing its age, it demonstrates an astonishing dynamism and is teeming with a multitude of ideas that augur a bright future.

When he founded his company in 1924, Francis Perrin, then a merchant in Moulins, probably did not imagine that his company would survive him almost a century later. Having remained in the family until last October, it is now managed by a pair of partners composed of Constance Nicaise, general manager, and Damien Schneider, president. At Perrin for four years, the duo has made a smooth transition with Martine and Franck Couturier, the former managers who will support the takeover until their retirement.

Four brands and 500 models

While socks and tights remain the core business of the Montcellian manufacturer, it has chosen to accessorize the collections with mittens, scarves, hats, gloves and other caps. With the particularity of relying on four brands, with very different but complementary universes, to cover the widest possible range of customers.

The flagship brand is none other than Berthe Aux Grands Pieds . In close collaboration with its founder Régis Gautreau, Perrin offers ultra-creative pieces, mainly aimed at a female clientele.

The second stage of the rocket is made up of the Perrin 1924 collection which appeals to women, men, teenagers and children who appreciate quality and comfort in all situations. Socks that are certainly more classic but of good quality which are mainly inserted into niche markets between hiking, agriculture, safety, hunting, fishing and sport.

For its part, Dagobert à l'Envers offers a resolutely offbeat style with, for example, a range of reversible socks and boxer shorts depending on your mood of the day.

Finally, La Chaussette Française is the haute couture version of the company, using noble materials such as silk and cashmere.

Which, in total for the four brands, still represents 500 models of socks. Even if the company manufactures for third parties such as Dior, Saint-Laurent, Le Slip français, Vicomte A or Jacadi, the majority of the turnover (around 85%) is achieved with its own brands, 45% of which for Berthe Aux Grands Pieds. A turnover essentially in France (85 to 90%), the rest coming from Benelux, Switzerland, Germany and Japan.

Take care of quality

To maintain its appeal, Perrin has fully understood that it must play the quality card. This starts with the raw material, which mainly comes from abroad. In addition, the choice was made to work with European and particularly French spinning mills. On the other hand, the manufacturing of the products is carried out exclusively in Montceau-les-Mines by 70 of the company's 100 employees.

Having never wanted to integrate the large distribution networks, the Perrin company is present in 1,300 points of sale in France, especially in city centers. Nevertheless, noting that the retail trade
was suffering, the company made a turnaround four years ago. This not only took the form of a presence on the web with online sales but also the creation of the Manufacture Perrin boutique. In a very successful industrial loft-type space, customers discover designer creations from knitting, weaving, industrial furniture, etc.

Today, Perrin has fourteen stores throughout the country, four of which belong to the company and the rest to partners.

A connected future

In order to sustain the company, it is planned to open two to three stores per year. In addition to the development of digital, Perrin is on the lookout for new
technologies. Like these connected socks intended for American hospitals to prevent falls. Socks that are already in production in Montceau-les-Mines.


Throughout the year, Perrin opens its doors to allow the general public to discover a unique sock and tights production site. An opportunity to immerse yourself in the daily life of the company. For the attention of readers of L'Exploitant Agricole, the Manufacture Perrin offers, to any bearer of the newspaper and the person accompanying them, a free visit of its factory as well as a 10% discount from 60 € of purchase.

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