Manufacture Perrin in the spotlight in The Good Life Magazine
The tie is no longer the essential accessory in the office, it is not even mandatory in the National Assembly! The sock, on the other hand, has never been so well worn in the wardrobe of the chic man. It brings a discreetly offbeat touch, a touch of fantasy to the sober outfit of the businessman...
Head to Montceau les Mines, where the Perrin family has been perpetuating French hosiery know-how since 1924. Labeled Entreprise du patrimoine vivant, it publishes 4 collections. Perrin 1924 cultivates everyday comfort with basics for sports, hiking, hunting, etc.; Dagobert à l'Envers is inspired by the surrealist movement and more particularly by Magritte, with its reversible socks; La Chaussette Française is a haute couture collection with neat finishes sold in the boutique of the National Assembly, and Berthe Aux Grands Pieds, as its name suggests, aims to be offbeat to appeal to Millennials.